book Jill to speak at your next Catholic event

Our founder’s passion for every member of the church makes her a compelling & inspiring presenter for your next mission, event, conference, or retreat. 


Jill has the incredible ability to connect with her audience, to draw them into her experiences and to inspire them with her courage. She is a wonderful story teller and is attune to the Holy Spirit in all of her messages. She’s a voice of peace that is deeply needed in this world.
 Elisabeth Williams, Director of Mission Advancement at Catholic Concepts


Jill is an astounding witness of docility to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Through her testimony and step-by-step accompaniment, she leads youth and adults alike to the realization in real time that a personal relationship of knowing and hearing the Lord’s voice in one’s life is not only possible but deeply healing.

Her Discernment of Charism’s retreat helped our high schoolers discover and understand the gifts the Lord had given them, and gave them practical applications of how to use their charisms to serve their peers and neighbors.
Sky Creed, Program Coordinator of Totus Tuus


Jill is absolutely magnificent and captivates her audience with the universality of her messages. Clearly guided by and submissive to the Holy Spirit, she uses her life experiences to not only frame, but to illuminate fundamental Truths about our relationship with God the Father. 

Jill is able to speak out of a place of true vulnerability and discernment, which is a testimony to her faith, prayer life, and relationship with God. Her thoughts and words are compelling, direct, and absolutely inspiring.
Emily Jursak, retreat attendee


Jill Simons is available to speak/emcee retreats, Women’s Conferences, Parish Missions, youth events, mega-conferences, and media events. Use the contact form below to get in touch about your unique event opportunity!

Charism Discernment

Jill’s half day retreat on Charism Discernment includes valuable framing on identity, grace, charisms, and their Biblical foundations as well as the Charism Discernment assessment for all attendees and post assessment processing in small groups. 

This retreat has been enjoyed by parish staffs, women’s ministry groups, bible studies, youth senates, Catholic school staffs, and more. This is also an amazing kickstart to bringing charism discernment to your parish and intentionally using the charisms discerned by your parishioners in daily parish life.

Hearing God’s Voice

Jill’s half day retreat on Charism Discernment includes valuable framing on identity, grace, charisms, and their Biblical foundations as well as the Charism Discernment assessment for all attendees and post assessment processing in small groups. 

This retreat has been enjoyed by parish staffs, women’s ministry groups, bible studies, youth senates, Catholic school staffs, and more. This is also an amazing kickstart to bringing charism discernment to your parish and intentionally using the charisms discerned by your parishioners in daily parish life.

Discovering Your True Identity in Christ

In Jill’s signature talk she shares about the three places that she, and many others, typically look for their identity: struggles/sins, achievements, and relationships. 

She breaks down the way that all three of these faulty identities showed up in my own life and share about why all three of these identities will ultimately lead to slavery and emptiness. 

Then she shares what we can draw our identity from instead: the intimacy and relationship that God is calling us to as a member of his forever family.

Christian Entrepreneurship

In this talk Jill shares about the role of Christian businesses in society and why it matters that Christians create, build, and grow strong companies that are beacons of both moral and financial success.

From her perspective as the founder of a well-known Christian women’s lifestyle brand and an international ministry, she shares about the ways that entrepreneurship has led her into deeper relationship with God and allowed her to grow in her understanding of how God views each one of us as individuals.

She also talks about giftedness and the way that businesses equip us and those we serve to step into their unique giftedness through meaningful work.

Receptivity to the Holy Spirit

Deep relationship with the Holy Spirit can absolutely change your life and in this talk Jill will renew your mind about what is possible in relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

In this talk, Jill will lead you in looking at the Scriptures that tell us about Pentecost and what we can learn from them, as well as the “symptoms“ of the presence of the Holy Spirit in someone’s life. 

You will also dive into the fruits of the spirit and talk about how you can use these fruits to enter into conversation with the Holy Spirit about where you are not as open to him as we should be. 

Finally Jill will share some incredible testimonies about what is possible when you live, work, and minister in surrendered partnership with the Holy Spirit. If you want to be inspired, this is the talk to open up your mind about what is possible in the kingdom of God.

Jill is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and available to travel nationally.

Please contact her using the form below for more information and availability. 

copyright Favoring Brave LLC 2023